AP Calc Unit 3 Comprehensive Review Resources

AP Calc AB/BC Unit 3 Review Intro

Welcome to the third unit of AP Calc! This unit is all about differentiating nore complex functions. Have fun learning and let me know at dianamoya@loopsofkindness.com or any of our social medias if you have any questions or concerns. Learn more and get ready to achieve a 5 on the AP exam and an A+ in your class with the following carefully curated resources below!

1. Review Presentation

The first item on our list of great resources covering AP Calc Unit 3 is a Canva Presentation I made following the CED (Course and Exam Description) by CollegeBoard themselves. I included a summary and at least one worked out practice problem for each topic. 

(+) Good refresher with worked practice problems following the CED 

(-) More hands-on practice required

2. Flipped Math

Flipped Math is truly awesome for anything AP Calc, and Unit 3 is no different. If you study from any resource, I would advise you to attempt the unit review on Flipped Math to see which topics you need the most help with. Then, go into the topic page and follow along with their packet and Youtube video until you can do some practice problems by yourself. Flipped Math was my bestie for AP Calc, and for good reason. 

(+) Organized according to the CED, AP Style Questions, lots of practice; packets for note-taking

3. Krista King's Review

Krista King’s Youtube Reviews are great if you want a more in-depth explanation of any topic with worked out practice problems. She goes slowly and explains all of her steps in detail. She also has some more practice on the Ultimate Review Packet website for every unit, but it’s paid (~$25). 

(+) Great explanations, practice problems

(-) Review packet with more practice costs money

3. IITian Academy

An unknown resource with real AP-style questions, IITian Academy offers MCQs and FRQs for all AP Calc topics. It’s particularly useful if you have run out of other practice questions and want some harder ones, just like the AP Classroom quizzes/progress checks. This website also offers a ton of other reviews for AP subjects (It’s saved me in AP Bio multiple times). I recommend this website for students who already know what they’re doing and want extra difficult practice similar to what the AP exam will ask. 

(+) Actual AP Questions organized by the CED 

(-) Answers are not explained thoroughly sometimes; only practice questions

4. Loops of Learning Tutoring

Learn from students just like you who have gotten an A in AP Calc throughout the year! Sign up through this link for further information on getting tutored for free, 100% online. 

5. Paul's Online Math Notes

A treasure trove for any calculus student, Paul’s Online Math Notes offer in-depth notes with great explanations, practice problems, and extra assignment problems for free. The only drawback is that it is not structured according to the CollegeBoard curriculum, so you might have to dig around for what you’re looking for. However, the search is usually worth it, since the explanations and examples are crystal clear. 

More Resources

If you need more help overall, here’s an article I wrote some time ago about AP Calc AB resources in general. A lot of them are repeated from this article, but it might be helpful!


Good luck! AP Calc is not easy, so make sure to study hard and smart with these resources. Let me know through the Loops of Learning tutoring form or by emailing me at dianamoya@loopsofkindness.com for more info!

Written by Diana Moya Lapeira

As a Costa Rican teen living in Miami, I am passionate about helping others and giving back to my community through fundraising and volunteer work. I love helping other people understand math, especially Calculus and PreCalc!

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